If your bank details are validated for electronic clearance and your policy attained the Survival due date, we will process your pay out within 1 working day
To receive your Survival benefits hassle free through Electronic transfer
You should report a Survival claim as soon as possible, to help us process it faster. You can report the Survival claim with 90 days from the due date.
Your Survival claim benefit can be settled by submitting:
To report your Maturity Claim you can:
If your bank details are validated for electronic clearance and your policy attained the Maturity due date, we will process your pay out within 1 working day
To receive your maturity benefits hassle free through Electronic transfer
You should report a Maturity claim as soon as possible, to help us process it faster. You can report the Maturity claim with 90 days from the due date.
The Maturity claim benefit can be received by:
Your Maturity claim benefit can be settled by submitting:
You don’t need to report Annuity claim, it will be automatically processed as per your policy Annuity duration.
Life certificate to be submitted by or prior to the end of every policy Anniversary year.
Once we receive Life certificate, provided your bank details are validated for Electronic clearance and as per your Annuity payout duration, we would process your payment within T+1 working days.
To receive your Annuity benefit without fail.
You should submit the life Certificate as soon as possible, to help us process it faster. You can submit the Life Certificate before 90 days from the policy Anniversary year.
The Annuity claim benefit can be received by:
We have a 3 Step Claim Process:
We have a 3 Step Claim Process: