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Health & Cancer Protection Plus Claims

Enjoy the exclusive benefit offered by your insurance plan by availing cashless treatment at our network hospitals!

Cashless Claims

Public Notice

To all the customers of Reliance Nippon Life Insurance Company Limited who have availed our health insurance facility:

In compliance with the Master Circular on Health Insurance Business, please be informed that claims related to the cashless facility will be processed only during the working hours from Monday to Friday. We assure you that all claims will be handled in accordance with the regulatory guidelines.

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.


Documents required
  • Cashless Request Form – duly filled in by the Insured (available at TPA desk in Network Hospitals)
  • Copy of Health Card
  • KYC document of the Insured / Patient
  • Original Discharge Summary and other Investigation Reports will be retained by the Hospital

Reimbursement Claims

Documents required
    • Standard Reimbursement Claim Form Part A – to be filled by the Insured
    • Standard Reimbursement Claim Form Part B – to be filled by the Insured and Hospital
    • Discharge Summary from Hospital
    • All Investigation Reports, Doctors' prescriptions
    • Hospital bill, Hospital payment receipts, Pharmacy bills with date
    • A Break-up of Investigation charges (under main hospital bill)
    • MLC/FIR/ Self declaration for accidental injury/treatment
    • KYC document of the Insured / Patient
    • Bank details of the Insured - Personalized cancelled Cheque or Completed Bank Authorization Form, attested by the Bank, along with a self-attested copy of Passbook / Bank Statement with IFSC and Bank Account number mentioned thereon

All documents to be submitted in original.

Reimbursement Claims can be lodged by visiting nearest RNLIC branch office.

The Insurer / TPA may call for additional documents, on a case to case basis, to evaluate the merit of a claim


Wealth + Health Claims

Documents required
    • Claim Form – Hospital Cash Benefit - to be filled by the Insured
    • Copy of all Hospital records (Admission Notes, Discharge Summary and Test / Investigation Reports)
    • Attending Doctor's/Surgeon's certificate supporting hospitalization (including ICU admission if any), diagnosis and treatment
    • Hospital Bill and receipts for payment
    • Copy of FIR (in case of accident)
    • KYC document of the Insured / Patient
    • Bank details of the Insured - Personalized cancelled Cheque or Completed Bank Authorization Form, attested by the Bank, along with a self-attested copy of Passbook / Bank Statement with IFSC and Bank Account number mentioned thereon

Additional documents in case of claim under Critical Conditions (25) Rider / Major Surgical Benefit in Wealth + Health Plans

    • Claim Form – Critical Illness (25) Rider - to be filled by the Insured
    • Claim Form – Major Surgical Benefit - to be filled by the Insured
    • Specialist Doctor’s certificate confirming the diagnosis and when the symptom first occurred / stating nature of operation performed

Photocopies of all documents should be attested by a Reliance Nippon Life Insurance Official.

The Insurer / TPA may call for additional documents, on a case to case basis, to evaluate the merit of a claim.

Cancer Protection Plus

Documents required
  • Claim Form – to be filled by the Insured
  • Certificate from Attending Medical Practitioner confirming the date of diagnosis
  • Original and Copy of Policy Document
  • All Medical Records including the following:
  • Original Discharge / Death Summary Card
  • Indoor case papers
  • Copies of Hospital Bills, Pharmacy/Investigations Bills
  • Investigation Reports
  • Details of the treatment received by the Insured from the inception of the ailment
  • Letter from Treating Consultant stating presenting complaints with duration and past medical history
  • Histopathology / Cytology / FNAC / Biopsy / Immuno-histochemistry reports
  • X-Ray / CT scan / MRI scan / USG /Radioisotope / Bone scan Reports
  • Blood Tests
  • Any other specific investigation done to support diagnosis such as PAP Smear / Mammography, etc.
  • Death Certificate issued by local Municipal Corporation or Competent Authority (where applicable)
  • KYC document of the Insured
  • Bank details of the Insured - Personalized cancelled Cheque or Completed Bank Authorization Form, attested by the Bank, along with a self-attested copy of Passbook / Bank Statement with IFSC and Bank Account number mentioned thereon

In the event of death of the Life Insured prior to claim intimation, the relevant forms/documents are to be filled/provided by Nominee/ Claimant under the policy

Photocopies of documents should be attested by a Reliance Nippon Life Insurance Official.

The Insurance Company reserves the right to ask for additional documents/information

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  • Policy Number
  • Insured/Claimant contact details (phone no., email id, address etc.)
  • Bank details for Primary Insured
  • Name of Insured/ claimant, who is hospitalized
  • Relationship of Insured with the person who is hospitalized
  • Name of the Hospital
  • Nature of Ailment
  • Commencement date of the symptom of ailment
In case of claim arising out injury due to Accident
  • Nature of Accident
  • Date & Time of Accident
  • Location of Accident
  • FIR/MLC (Medico Legal Case) Certificate in case of Road Traffic Accident
  • Self-Declaration explaining / providing details of circumstances of accident with a copy of Doctor’s certificate in case of other than Road Traffic Accident

In the event that the policyholder is hospitalized /planning a hospitalization in a network hospital / nursing home, he / she need not pay the medical expenses (as per coverage) up to the sum insured specified under the policy. This is subject to claim intimation to the TPAs appointed by Reliance Nippon Life Insurance Company Limited (RNLIC) and approval of the request as per terms of the policy.

The insured has to approach the TPA desk of the hospital along with the RNLIC Health Card, KYC (a Photo ID card such as Pan Card, Voter ID card, Driving Licence etc.) and all the medical reports including diagnosis report. The hospital will then send the request for authorization of treatment to RNLIC through TPA. TPAs appointed by RNLIC will coordinate with the hospital/nursing home directly for approval and/ or pre-authorization, if required and also for settlement of the bills to the extent of authorization only to the hospital directly by the insurance company after the insured patient is discharged. If the request is denied as per the policy’s terms and conditions, the insured himself/ herself has to pay the bills and submit the claim documents for a reimbursement to the insurance company through the TPA.

  1. Planned Hospitalization: Since the hospitalization/treatment is planned (in advance), the policyholder should inform the TPA at least 48 hours prior to hospitalization with necessary documents such as Cashless claim form duly filled and signed by treating Doctor and Hospital, treatment records advising Hospitalization etc. The TPA will then evaluate the case and will “pre-authorize” the claim subject to terms and conditions of the policy.
  2. Emergency Hospitalization: In case of a medical emergency, the policyholder should provide the Health card along with KYC docs (Pan Card, Voter ID card and Driving License etc) at the Network Hospital to get admission without paying the initial deposit. The Hospital will then intimate the TPA to formalize the Pre-authorization process, which will then process Cashless treatment subject to the terms and condition of the policy, plan of medical management, and completeness of documentation.

Note: In cashless hospitalization, RNLIC will pay 95% of total admissible expenses while the balance 5% and inadmissible expenses (if any) will be borne by the Policyholder at the time of discharge from the hospital.

In the event that an insured is hospitalized in any hospital / nursing home (within India) and pays the treatment expenses at the time of discharge, he / she needs to file a claim with RNLIC for the amount due under the policy. RNLIC will process the claim as per the terms of the policy and reimburse the medical expenses covered to the insured if the claim is admissible.

Ideally within 15 days from the date of discharge from the hospital, the insured has to ship / courier mandatory documents to the TPAs addresses mentioned below:

  • MediAssist – Toll Free Helpline No. 033-4084-0351
  • Address: Medi Assist Insurance India Pvt. Ltd. Thapar House, 7th, 8th and 9th Floor, 25, Brabourne Road, Kolkata-700001

  1. Cashless Claim: As the name suggests, the claim is settled to the tune of an approved amount at the time of discharge from the hospital. The hospital bill, to the tune of amount approved by the TPA is settled by RNLIC directly and the policyholder needs to settle the remaining amount directly with the hospital.
  2. Reimbursement Claim: Once the claim documents are received at TPA’s Office, the same are reviewed. Additional requirements, if any, are informed to policyholders through letters / SMS. Once all requisite documents are received, the claim is decisioned within 15 days.

This happens due to various reasons. The most common are:

  1. Capping of expenses under specified Expense Heads as per policy’s terms and conditions.
  2. Exclusions as per policy’s terms and conditions.
  3. Co-Payment: In co-pay policies, policyholders and insurance providers share the hospital expenses. A certain percentage of the medical bills are paid by the policyholder while the remainder, the lion’s share, is paid by the insurance company.
  4. Any other policy terms and conditions which are part of policy documents sent to policyholders.

Yes, the claim would be payable subject to the payment of renewal premium before date of discharge from the Hospital or within the grace period, whichever is earlier.

There is no limit on the number of claims during the policy period; however the settlement amount of all claims should not exceed the Sum Insured under the policy.

When members of the same family are covered under a single plan and the Sum Insured is utilized by any one member or all the members collectively during the policy year, the plan is called Family floater.


Health Claims

Cashless Claims

  • Claim Intimation - Inform the TPA appointed by RNLIC about your hospitalization (planned/emergency).
  • Claim Processing – The TPA co-ordinates with the hospital to process the request for Authorization of Treatment and communicates the approval / pre-authorization in line with the policy terms and conditions.
  • Claim Decision - The TPA will co-ordinate with the Hospital for settlement of the bills to the extent of authorization at the time of / after discharge.

Reimbursement Claims & Wealth + Health Claims

  • Claim Intimation – Send the Claim Forms, duly filled along with all supporting documents (in original as required) to RNLIC / TPA office at the earliest, preferably within 15 days of discharge.
  • Claim Processing – TPA will review the claim documents and inform you in case of any additional requirements through letters / SMS.
  • Claim Decision – On receipt of all necessary claim documents, the claim decision will be taken in line with the policy terms and conditions.

Cancer Protection Plus

Step 1: Claim Intimation and Submission of Supporting Documents

  • At all the RNLIC Branch Offices.
  • Directly to Claims Team at RNLIC Goregaon, Mumbai Office.

Step 2: Claim Assessment and Requirement for Additional Documents, if any

  • Claim documents and supporting documents will be scrutinized for completeness and adherence to policy terms and conditions.
  • Additional documents, if any, will be triggered and communicated to claimants.
  • Dedicated Team to handle the claims and provide assistance to the Claimant through dedicated, toll-free Claims Helpline.

Step 3: Claim Decision and Payout

  • On receipt of complete documentation, claim decision (in line with policy terms & conditions) will be informed to the claimants and approved claims will be processed for Payout.
  • For speed and ease, subject to availability of valid bank details, claims will be settled through electronic mode such as NEFT.
  • Else, the payment will be sent vide an Account payee Cheque at the customers’ address registered with the Company.
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