Step 1: Claim Reporting
In case of death of the member under a Group policy, the Master Policy Holder needs to intimate the claim to RNLIC Claims team and the key account manager.
List of Mandatory Documents: Employer – Employee Claims
- Group Term Claim Form (Authorized signature and seal by MPH)
- Death Certificate*
- Nominee KYC
- Nominee Bank A/c Details
- Cause of Death Certificate (Certified by attending medical officer / as mentioned in PMR)
Non Employer – Employee – Lender-Borrower Claims
- Group Term Claim Form (Authorized signature and seal by MPH)
- DGH / Application Form
- Direction of claim proceeds form
- Vernacular declaration form
- Death Certificate
- Nominee KYC
- Nominee Bank A/c Details
- COI (Certificate of Insurance in Original)
- Claim Form B
- Loan repayment schedule & Loan statement of account
- Medical & hospitalization report reports if any If the cause of death is accident or suicide, additional documents required) PMR & FIR report
Non Employer -Employee – Non Lender-Borrower Claims
- Group Term Claim Form (Authorized signature and seal by MPH)
- DGH / Application Form
- Death Certificate
- Nominee KYC (If the claim is to be settled in favour of Nominee) Nominee Bank A/c Details (If the claim is to be settled in favour of Nominee)
- COI (Certificate of Insurance in Original)
- COI (Certificate of Insurance in Original)
- Medical & hospitalization report reports if any
- If the cause of death is Accident or suicide, additional documents required)
PMR & FIR report
Step 2: Claim Processing
On receipt of the Claim form and mandatory documents, RNLIC will assess the claim and take decision basis the merit of the case. If there is any requirement to be completed by the Claimant, RNLIC will intimate the same and once the requirement is completed, the Claim would be assessed.
Step 3: Claim Settlement
- If the claim warrants an investigation, RNLIC will take the final decision/payment on the Claim within 45 days from the date of intimation of the claim
- Non-investigated claims will be decided/paid within 15 days from the date of intimation of claim